On-page SEO is included in all packages. Off-page SEO is an optional extra.

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On-page SEO

On-page SEO features are the optimisations that are made within the website itself to help improve its search engine visibility. These are included in all packages:

  • Optimising meta tags, such as the title tag and meta description, to accurately reflect the content on the page and attract clicks from search engine users

  • Optimising images by including relevant alt tags, compressing their file sizes, and ensuring they load quickly

  • Optimising and running tests on website speed and performance

  • Ensuring the website is responsive and mobile-friendly

  • Internal linking to help users and search engines navigate the website's content

Additionally, on-page optimisations involve including relevant keywords throughout the website's content, including in headings and body text, to help search engines understand the website's topic and content. Keyword research and content creation is available as an add-on to any package.

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO features are optimisations that are made outside of the website to help improve its search engine visibility. Help with setting up your Business Google Profile is included in all packages. Help with other off-page SEO can be added on as an extra to any package. Some examples of further off-page SEO include:

  • Help with social media marketing, where developers create and share content on social media platforms to drive traffic back to the website being optimised. This includes template designs in your brand colours

  • Creating business listings and citations in online directories and local search engines, which can help improve the website's visibility in local search results

  • Advice on building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites to the website being optimised. Backlinks are important because they signal to search engines that other websites find the content on the website being optimised to be relevant and authoritative.

Overall, incorporating on-page and off-page SEO features are essential to building a successful website that ranks well in search engine results pages and attracts a large volume of traffic.